Discounted Fees for Process Serving Florida Registered Agents
Florida Process Servers Featured in this directory offer discounted fee's for multiple requests for Service of Process upon Florida Registered Agents
Special Pricing for Florida Statewide Process Serving and Subpoena Services to Florida Registered Agents
Reduced fees, surge pricing and discounted services does not mean a reduction of a commitment to provide the best on time and reliable process services in Florida. What this does mean, listed Florida Process Servers are offering you a great deal with the hope of you offering them your business. They respectfully and eagerly want to earn your trust, handle your service of process requests, and aim to develop a long term working relationship with you.
As a statewide directory listing Florida Process Servers and Florida registered agents, specializing in high volume corporate transactions, all are accustomed to handling up to hundreds of process serving transactions per week. Whether you have one request for service of process or multiple services, rest assured, listed Process Server will provide you with the experience, knowledge and special attention you require. Great Service at a great price is what our listed Process Servers provide and what you should expect.
Florida Process Servers in this directory are known for offering discounts, reduced fees and excellent service. When your office has requests for service of process in Florida please be aware of the following particulars:
When you direct a Florida Process Server to serve and deliver more than one lawsuit and or subpoena at one address, the second and any other additional requests will be discounted. When you have four or more lawsuits or subpoena service requests for a Florida registered agent at the same time (not necessarily at the same address) you will be offered a reduced fee. If you are a high volume litigant and often have numerous requests for serving Florida registered agents, prepaying for anticipated services in increments of ten requests or more qualify for volume or discounted fees.
When sending your Florida process service requests by email, the fee for copying the first twenty pages are waived.
- Three Day notices to a commercial location qualifies for a reduced fee.
- Demand Letters to a commercial location qualifies for a reduced fee.
- Notices whereby a posting can be made during the first attempt, will have a reduced fee.
- Commercial Evictions in the same center and or within two miles will be treated as a volume request which will have a reduced of fee.
Fee reductions, discounts, and process serving special surge pricing are for routinely timed service requests only. That is, when you contact a listed Process Server with your request to serve or post your documents to a Florida entity, corporation and or registered agent, and when your service is NOT time sensitive, your fees will be reduced.
If you would like to contact our office, please click here Process Service Information
Process Servers listed in this directory aim to reduce their fees, offer discounts, and suggest special pricing all the time. Process Servers pledge to be the best priced court process serving and subpoena delivery service in Florida. All Process Servers offer a conditional guarantee for process serving and subpoena delivery services, following up with your office in a timely manner, and provide affidavits/proofs/returns of service upon completion of each service. All requests will be handled on time and in a lawful and compliant manner. GUARANTEED!
Why Do you Limit the Amount of Process Servers in this Directory ?
Because we limit our listings to only the best Process Servers in the state of Florida. They earned their position in this directory because they are the most reliable and reputable Florida Process Servers
For the past three decades listed process servers have traveled millions of miles to serve hundreds of thousands of lawsuits, court orders, writs, subpoenas, notifications, summons, order to show cause, citations and all types of demand letters, eviction notices and more. Experience counts and that is why Process Servers in our directory are selected. We do not accept all Process Servers and are very selective who we allow to list in our directory.